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  • School Philosophy

    School Philosophy

    At Garneau school we recognize that each child has an innate capacity from which to grow.  Learning is inspired through nurturing authentic relationships with people, community, the natural world, and ideas. We are dedicated to cultivating meaningful and innovative learning, and fostering academic integrity.

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  • Garneau Program

    Garneau Program

    Garneau (Community) Program

    Garneau School’s kindergarten to grade six program supports in-depth learning focused on 21st century knowledge, skills and attitudes. Students learn competencies such as collaboration, creativity and communication through an inquiry and project approach to learning. Literacy and numeracy are central to instruction in all classes. Our Garneau program provides children with meaningful opportunities to be active participants in their learning.


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  • Sciences Program at Garneau

    Sciences Program at Garneau

    Garneau also offers Sciences alternative programming, one of EPSB's teaching philosophy programs of choice. It is a grade K to 6 program that supports students in building academic skills through investigation and hands-on learning to understand how the sciences shape our world with an emphasis on environmental citizenship, working collaboratively on research projects, and participating in community service activities.  

    Garneau uses a ‌project approach‌ to develop critical and creative-thinking skills while integrating science concepts across curriculum with an emphasis on incorporating real-world learning experiences. Students explore the process of asking questions, seeking information, and demonstrating learning using a variety of sources and methods.  This exploration incorporates inquiry, design, environment, arts, and science. Our Sciences classes are organised in combined grade groupings to foster relationship building and to provide students with opportunities for collaboration and leadership.  Benefits of our program include opportunities for students to engage in in-depth study of different research topics and an improved ability to think logically, to reason, and problem solve.  

    Our Sciences Program teachers believe that children learn best when:

    • teachers are responsive to individual learning needs and interests
    • children are interested in what they learn
    • there are opportunities to learn in depth, building on everyday experience
    • there is provision for active investigation, observation and discussion
    • children's inquiry is guided by their own questions and desires to learn
    • children can interact first hand with people, objects, places and events
    • children can represent their learning in a variety of ways
    • learning is memorable rather than memorised

    Garneau Sciences Program Information

    If you have questions about whether this program would be a good fit for your child, please contact the school.

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  • Acknowledging People and Place

    Acknowledging People and Place

    We acknowledge that we are on Treaty 6 territory, a traditional meeting grounds, gathering place, and travelling route to the Cree, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Métis, Dene and Nakota Sioux. We acknowledge all the many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit whose footsteps have marked these lands for centuries.

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Labour Action Updates

Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.



Garneau School is a welcoming school community that is home to two programs, the Garneau Regular (Community) Program, and the Sciences Program. Both programs deliver the mandated Alberta Programs of Study through rich educational experiences for all children.  The Sciences program, continues the great legacy of the Child Study Centre by embracing the educational pedagogy of the Project Approach, a variation of the project-based learning. Students from both programs come from a variety of backgrounds and communities, as they join to form the learning community at Garneau School. Our parents value the family atmosphere, quality education, cultural diversity, and collaborative approaches to learning.

Our learning community is diverse, and the uniqueness of each member is celebrated. Students, parents, and staff work together to create a warm and welcoming learning environment.


2025 - 2026 Registration and Pre-enrolment


If your child is new to Edmonton Public Schools, you can register for school online. Visit the Division website to learn how to register for school.  Please note that Garneau School's Regular Program is moving to Growth Control Model Level 2 with closed boundaries for the 2025-2026 school year.

Our Sciences Program follows the Project Approach Pedagogy.  Here are slides from our recent Sciences Program Information Session.  Space is limited; if enrollment requests exceed available spaces, registration will go through the random selection process.

If you have questions about registering for either of our programs, please contact the school office: garneau@epsb.ca or 780-433-1390.

Please note that due to the ongoing CUPE 3550 support staff strike, responses to calls and emails may be delayed and we are not able to host school tours.


You will need to pre-enrol on SchoolZone to tell us the school you’d like your child to attend next year. Find important dates and deadlines and learn more about pre-enrolment, which opens at 8 a.m. on February 3, 2025 and closes at 4 p.m. on March 19, 2025.  Current families who do not pre-enrol by March 19 are not guaranteed spaces for next year.


Welcome to Garneau School!

Our Kindergarten to Grade Six school offers regular programming and a Sciences alternative program based on the project approach.  Our physical space reflects our beliefs in collaboration and connection with the natural world.  In both programs:

  • We recognize that each child has an innate capacity from which to grow.
  • We believe learning is inspired through nurturing authentic relationships with people, community, the natural world and ideas. 
  • We embrace family and community involvement.
  • We pursue inclusion, diversity, anti-racism and reconciliation.

Above all, we seek to ensure our school community is a safe, caring, and engaging place to be.

It is a joy to serve our Garneau School Community!

Kathleen Durance, Principal

School Philosophy

  • At Garneau school we recognize that each child has an innate capacity from which to grow. Learning is inspired through nurturing authentic relationships with people, community, the natural world, and ideas. We are dedicated to cultivating meaningful and innovative learning, and fostering academic integrity.

School Vision

All of our students become:

  •  Readers
    • Garneau students embrace reading while critically considering the perspective of others and connecting their ideas to literature.
  • Writers
    • Garneau students confidently craft their writing with purpose, using multiple skills to effectively inspire diverse audiences.
  • Mathematicians
    • Garneau students masterfully and accurately use mathematical skills to creatively explore and persevere as problem solvers in the world.

Sciences Program Mission

  • We develop responsible citizens skilled in communication, collaboration, problem solving, creativity, innovation and empathy. Our integrated research projects empower learners to forge deep personal connections across the curriculum and into the wider world.